Inclusive Healthy Communities

The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) has partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to create and launch a national pilot project, Inclusive Healthy Communities, to make the healthiest choices the easiest choices across all elements of the community in 10 localities across five states nationwide. Communication is a key component of the initiative.

The comprehensive Inclusive Healthy Communities Model features six phases. While the sixth focuses explicitly on communication it is a critical component across the entire initiative. Learn more about the full process via this resource from NACDD, which includes a visual model, video, and list of participants and partners.
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This CDC resource provides a thorough outline of the importance and types of media that can be used as part of the Inclusive Healthy Communities Model both to meet and share findings related to the initiative and its goals. It also provides a comprehensive outline of elements of the phase including the importance of communication, the components of this phase of the Model and an idea of what successful inclusive communication outcomes should be.
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