Best Practices

Myriad resources exist to ensure effective, inclusive communication with and about people with disabilities. Learn more about best practices and approaches from these national leaders in disability and health.

This fact-sheet from the National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO) features five steps individuals and organizations can take to effectively employ communication strategies that are inclusive of and engage people with disabilities. Each step includes tips and additional resources and information.
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This resource provides an overview of how to write and communicate about individuals with disabilities and links to more comprehensive guidelines from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR).
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This resource from the Lakeshore Foundation provides an overview and explanation of both person-first and identify-first language to allow individuals to make informed decisions about their inclusive language choices.
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NCHPAD has compiled several government, academic and organizational guidelines and recommendations on disability communication, people-/person-first language and effective communication into a one-stop compendium.
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